Add to Submittal Add to SubmittalGuest Submittal Grooved Connections - Couplings FLX1 Flexible Coupling 921.pdf RCD1 Reducing Coupling with Steel Ring 943.pdf RGD1 Angle Pad Rigid Coupling 920.pdf Grooved Connections - Elbows DR901 Grooved Drain Elbow with 1" FNPT Outlet 926.pdf E111 11.25º Elbow 929.pdf E221 22.5º Elbow 928.pdf E451 Grooved Elbow 45º Standard Elbow 927.pdf E901/E90X1 Grooved Elbow 90º Standard Radius 923.pdf E90S1 Grooved Elbow 90º Short Radius 924.pdf EOR1 End Elbow 90º FNPT 925.pdf Grooved Connections - Tees and Crosses CRS1 Grooved Cross Short Radius 932.pdf GRTG1 Grooved Reducing Tee 934.pdf TE1 Grooved Tee Standard Radius 930.pdf TESR1 Grooved Tee Short Radius 931.pdf Grooved Connections - Reducers and Caps CP1 Cap 936.pdf CRG1 Grooved Concentric Reducer 933.pdf ECP1 Cap with Eccentric Hole FNPT 937.pdf Grooved Connections - Flanges FA1 Grooved Flange ANSI125/150 938.pdf GXFA1 Flange Adaptor ANSI125/150 939.pdf Grooved Connections - Mechanical Tees 041 U Bolt Threaded Mech Tee FNPT 940.pdf MTG1 Grooved Mechanical Tee 942.pdf MTT2 Threaded Mechanical Tee FNPT 941.pdf Grooved Connections - Seismic Connections Model RLP RASCOLOOP U-Type Seismic Expansion Joint with Grooved Outlet 220.pdf Sprinklers - Quick Response Model G4-11 Sprinkler 086.pdf F1FR80 Series Sprinklers 063.pdf F1FR80-300 Series Quick Response Sprinklers 078.pdf F1FR56 Series Quick Response Sprinklers 074.pdf F1FR56-300 Series Quick Response Sprinklers 077.pdf F1FR42 Series Sprinklers 073.pdf F1FR28 Series Sprinklers 072.pdf G5 Series Concealed Pendent Sprinklers 034.pdf G6-56 Series HSW QR Concealed Sidewall Sprinklers 050.pdf Model KFR56 Series Sprinklers 036.pdf F1FR-SS Series Stainless Steel Sprinklers 065.pdf F1FR42LL & F1FR56LL Low-Lead Quick-Response Sprinklers 085.pdf KFR80 Series Sprinklers 054.pdf XL Commercial Flush Series 145.pdf KFR56-300 Series Sprinklers 039.pdf GFR Series Sprinklers 131.pdf Sprinklers - Standard Response Model G4-11 Sprinkler 086.pdf F1-80 Series Sprinklers 062.pdf F1-80-300 Series Standard Response Sprinklers 076.pdf F1-56 Series Standard Response Sprinklers 071.pdf F1-56-300 Series Standard Response Sprinklers 075.pdf F1-42 Series Sprinklers 067.pdf F1-28 Series Sprinklers 066.pdf G Series Sprinklers 110.pdf G5 Series Concealed Pendent Sprinklers 034.pdf G4 Series Concealed Pendent Sprinklers 121.pdf G4-300 Series High Pressure Concealed Pendent Sprinklers 161.pdf F1-SS Series Stainless Steel Sprinklers 064.pdf Sprinklers - Extended Coverage F1FR56 QREC Series Sprinklers 028.pdf F1FR56-300 QREC Series High Pressure Sprinklers 030.pdf F1FR80 QREC Series Sprinklers 148.pdf F1FR80-300 QREC Series High Pressure Sprinklers 159.pdf Model DH80 Series EC Sprinklers 015.pdf N252EC CMDA/CMSA Pendent Sprinklers 008.pdf MBEC-14 Metal Building Sprinkler 169.pdf Model DH56 Series EC Sprinklers 015.pdf DH80 Dry Sidewall Sprinkler 055.pdf JL112 and J112 Upright, Pendent & Recessed Sprinklers 172.pdf J112SS Stainless Steel Pendent and Upright Sprinklers 178.pdf GFR VELO-ECOH Sprinklers 160.pdf G6-80 HSW QREC Concealed Sidewall Sprinklers 047.pdf G4XLO EC Quick and Standard Response Extended Coverage Concealed Pendent 171.pdf SWC Concealed Sidewall Sprinklers 163.pdf DH56 Dry Sidewall Sprinklers 016.pdf Sprinklers - Residential RFC49plus & RFC49LLplus Residential Sprinklers 188.pdf F1Res Series Residential Sprinklers 135.pdf F1Res LL Series Low Lead Residential Sprinklers 033.pdf KRes Series Residential Sprinklers 935.pdf RFC Series Residential Concealed Pendent Sprinklers 006.pdf RFS42 Residential Flat Concealed HSW 048.pdf F3Res44 Residential Dry Sidewall Sprinklers 052.pdf Sprinklers - Storage LB11 Horizontal Sidewall Storage Sprinkler 083.pdf N28T6 & N28T3 Specific Application ESFR Pendent Sprinklers 082.pdf GL112 Series Sprinklers 132.pdf GXLO Series Sprinklers 129.pdf JL14 & JL17 ESFR Pendent Sprinklers 019.pdf P22 ESFR Pendent Sprinklers 069.pdf P25 ESFR Pendent Sprinklers 070.pdf G VELO Pendent Sprinklers 146.pdf J168 Upright Sprinklers 011.pdf N252EC CMDA/CMSA Pendent Sprinklers 008.pdf Intermediate Level Sprinklers 187.pdf Sprinklers - Special WP Series Window Sprinklers 181.pdf Attic Sprinklers 056.pdf KFR-CCS 56 Combustible Concealed Space Sprinkler 044.pdf LT56 Series "Hallway" Sprinklers 058.pdf XL Series Institutional Sprinklers 113.pdf F4FR-NF MRI Room Sprinklers 002.pdf MBEC-14 Metal Building Sprinkler 169.pdf F1-FTR Pilot Line Detector 180.pdf Sprinklers - Dry Sprinklers F3-56 Series SR Dry Pendent, Horizontal Sidewall, Upright Sprinklers 153.pdf F3QR56 Series QR Dry Pendent, Horizontal Sidewall, Upright Sprinklers 157.pdf F3-80 Series SR Dry Pendent & Horizontal Sidewall Sprinklers 060.pdf F3QR80 Series QR Dry Pendent & Horizontal Sidewall Sprinklers 061.pdf G5-56 Dry Concealed Pendent Sprinkler 051.pdf DH56 Extended Coverage Dry Sidewall Sprinkler 016.pdf DH80 Dry Sidewall Sprinkler 055.pdf F3Res44 Residential Dry Sidewall Sprinklers 052.pdf Sprinklers - Nozzles and Open Sprinklers HV Spray Nozzles 105.pdf B, FM Spray Nozzles 103.pdf MV Spray Nozzles 106.pdf TNL280 Tunnel Pendent Spray Nozzle 099.pdf Open Sprinklers 104.pdf Sprinklers - Sprinkler Accessories RASCOFLEX® Model RFBW Sprinkler Connections with Welded Adapters 215.pdf Brass Extension Nipples 230.pdf Model RHB1 Spare Sprinkler Storage Cabinets 280.pdf Cover Plates 203.pdf Escutcheons 204.pdf RASCOFLEX® Sprinkler Connections - Americas 213.pdf Sprinkler Guards and Water Shields 208.pdf Sprinkler Wrenches 205.pdf Valves & Systems - Wet System Valves FCA2 Floor Control Assembly 625.pdf FCA Floor Control Assembly 619.pdf CR2 Commercial Riser 624.pdf CR Commercial Riser 621.pdf E & E3 Alarm Check Valves 400.pdf G Riser Check Valves 806.pdf CVE Swing Check & Riser Check 810.pdf Residential Riser 425.pdf MP LL Multipurpose Residential Riser 426.pdf Valves & Systems - General Purpose Valves Model REL-DV1 1" Full Port Auxiliary Drain Valve with MNPT x FNPT Outlets and Pre-installed Plug 456.pdf Model REL-FCV-L501F Flanged Swing Check Valve 455.pdf Model REL363GT and REL363GTC Butterfly Valve Grooved Tapped Body 835.pdf REL-GV Globe Valve 452.pdf REL-AGV Angle Globe Valve 453.pdf Reliable RBV Series Bronze Butterfly Valves 830.pdf Model L399 OS&Y Gate Valve 443.pdf Model L388 Resilient Seated NRS Gate Valve 449.pdf Reliable Model REL-BL Full Port Ball Valve 448.pdf Model REL-3W Way Valve 447.pdf Model REL-OSYT Threaded OS&Y Valve 450.pdf G Swing Check 807.pdf CVE Swing Check & Riser Check 810.pdf REL-CV Swing Check Valve 451.pdf Valves & Systems - Dry System Valves DDX-LP Low Pressure Dry Pipe Valve 338.pdf FX Dry Pipe Valve 360.pdf Valves & Systems - Deluge System Valves DDV Deluge Valve Remote Resetting 550.pdf DDV Deluge Valve 551.pdf DDX Deluge Valve 519.pdf H Deluge Riser Assembly 507.pdf Valves & Systems - Preaction Systems Model DDX Non-Interlock Preaction Systems 756.pdf DDX Single Interlock Preaction Systems 749.pdf H Single Interlock Preaction System (Non-Supervised) 721.pdf H Single Interlock Preaction Systems 719.pdf DDX Double Interlock Preaction System Type D - Electric/Electric 750.pdf DDX Double Interlock Preaction System Type F - Electric/Pneumatic 751.pdf DDX Double Interlock Preaction System Type PL - Pneumatic/Pneumatic 752.pdf H Double Interlock Preaction System Type D - Electric/Electric 720.pdf Valves & Systems - PrePaK Systems DDX PrePaK System 760.pdf H PrePaK Preaction System 723.pdf Valves & Systems - Pressure Control PRV Pressure Regulating Valve 820.pdf Model A Relief Valve 257.pdf Valves & Systems - Valve Accessories Solenoid Valves 718.pdf Miscellaneous System Components 206.pdf B1 Accelerator with Integral Accelo-Check 323.pdf C Mechanical Sprinkler Alarm 612.pdf LP Dry Pilot Actuator 505.pdf Model A Hydraulic Manual Emergency Pull Box 506.pdf S1 Retard Chamber 430.pdf Valves & Systems - Air & Nitrogen Supply QRM2 Riser Mount Air Compressors 256.pdf RRMA and RTMA Air Compressors 258.pdf Models A and B Automatic Pressure Maintenance Devices 251.pdf Nitrogen Automatic Pressure Maintenance Devices 254.pdf Model B-SI Air Compressor Panel 252.pdf Valves & Systems - FDC Equipment Fire Department Connections and Accessories 445.pdf Reliable Model HV Hose Valves 444.pdf Reliable Storz Connections 446.pdf Valves & Systems - Specialty Equipment AAV Automatic Air Vent 620.pdf ACD Dry System Auxiliary Condensate Drain with Sight Glass 441.pdf Reliable Model TD Test and Drain Valve 618.pdf Reliable Streamline™ Drain Hose 442.pdf Sure-Off Tester 277.pdf Uncategorized DDX PrePaK System 760.pdf Model RLP RASCOLOOP U-Type Seismic Expansion Joint with Grooved Outlet 220.pdf EOR1 End Elbow 90º FNPT 925.pdf Add to Submittal Add to SubmittalGuest Submittal